Welcome to the Birkenhead Residents Association

Heritage – Community – Environment
The Birkenhead Residents Association is proud to represent the community of Birkenhead and promote the retention and enhancement of its unique spirit and character.
The association is non-political and strives to represent the interests of the wider community.
Changes to national and regional planning rules will mean that residents will benefit from working together to ensure that changes are for the benefit of all.
The Birkenhead Residents Association vision and mission:
Our vision is ‘for Birkenhead to be a thriving community with a strong friendly spirit, remaining an environment in which people enjoy living and working’
We will be a voice for Birkenhead, advocating for its residents best interests. We support residents and encouraging community engagement.
Our Values
Being friendly, inclusive and supportive as well as celebrating the strength of our diverse community spirit.
Respecting and enjoying our environment with its unique mix of bush and harbour; promoting protection of this unique natural heritage.
Being proud of our rich local history and stories; protecting the built heritage that reflects these while supporting the development of new stories.
Committee philosophy and style:
Constructive collaborative engagement
Keep our focus on the outcome we want for residents.
Financial Help:
If you would like to help financially, you can do so by becoming a Financial Member, for as little as $10.00 AND/or make a donation – THANK YOU.
Privacy Policy for the Birkenhead Residents Association
Help Save Heritage
Auckland Council put forward Plan Change 78 in response to the Government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Design (NPS-UD).
Plan Change 78 created issues for many people, particularly in regard to a reduction of Heritage Protections, which many (including the BRA) submitted about.
Following the January floods, Council put in a request to the hearing panel on Plan Change 78 (PC78) to pause the Plan Change – this request required a conference. The pause would allow focus on infrastructure re-build and assessing the impacts of the floods on PC78 proposals, eg would they need to re-think some aspects of the proposed change.
The outcome of this requested pause is not yet known. Watch our Facebook page for changing news.
Also watch the Kaipatiki Local Board's agendas and newsreleases.
For those interested in this issue, please refer to Council’s website for the latest updates: